Vatavaran Vaad: Virtual Water Trade vis-à-vis Food and Water Security
Eastern states (Bihar, Odisha, Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand), the Northeast, and the South-West Coast are more suitable for rice cultivation. However, these regions have relatively less area under rice compared to the North-Western Plains (Haryana, Punjab, & Western U.P.), resulting in multi-order impacts like overexploitation of groundwater, excess use of fertilizer & pesticide, non-natural crop patterns, etc. because of artificial intervention (assured procurement, etc.).
There’s a need for the application of Game Theory and Competitive Strategy vis-à-vis Virtual Water Trade to ensure Food as well as Water Security.
Contextual Readings
- Assessing the Groundwater Situation in Northern India []
- Ukraine-Russia Conflict and Its Fallouts for the Indian Agriculture Sector and Water Stress []
About: वातावरण वाद | Vatavaran Vaad
Vatavaran means Environment and Vaad means dialogue, debate and discussion. Vatavaran Vaad is an endeavour for dialogue, debate and discussion around the Environment, Climate Change, Weather, Pollution, Biodiversity Loss, and other related issues, in order to trigger, catalyze, and nudge sustainable change towards environmental justice and nyāya, by way of taking cognizance and disseminating information and creating awareness.
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Authored by —
Adv. Abhishek Kumar, Founder and Curator — The Sangyan.